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“You actually did what was conceived as impossible. You got up and put veganism on the table.”

I am from Israel. I am a vegan, and absolute love animals. I live with three dogs and two cats. I have raised chickens from young chicks to adulthood in my backyard. They knew my by voice and looks; they ran to me when they saw me and let me pet and hug and kiss them. I have loved cows and adored pigs since I was a baby. I feel their pain. It’s an ache inside that I cannot describe in words. I knew this pain and the helplessness that I feel will stay lodged in my heart forever. That is until you gave me hope. You actually did what was conceived as impossible. You got up and put veganism on the table. It’s the topic on everyone’s tongues.

Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 8:32 AM